Despite the Snow There’s Still Loyal Rock and WRUP 98.3 Listeners Out There!

This awesome listener cleared the snow off the WRUP van for us!
This awesome listener cleared the snow off the WRUP van for us!

Marquette, MI  –  January 12, 2016  –  People love 98.3 WRUP. Here’s a picture of a listener who was driving by the WRUP van parked by Super One Foods in Marquette.
This young man when out of his way to climb out of his truck and clean the snow off our van in negative degree temperatures just so we could see the WRUP logo.
Cleaning off the snow, this guy left the door to his pickup truck open.  Stopping to grab his picture, we heard music playing out of his truck over at Super One.
Booming out of his Chevy pickup,  we heard rock from 98.3 WRUP!
WRUP has loyal listeners all throughout Marquette County’s 70,000 population.

Rock on 98.3!

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