NFL Ref Sarah Thomas Gives Talk thru NMU’s Platform Personalities March 23, 2021

NFL Ref Sarah Thomas Gives Talk thru NMU’s Platform Personalities March 23, 2021

After making history last month as the first woman to officiate a Super Bowl, Sarah Thomas will give a virtual presentation through Northern Michigan University’s Platform Personalities titled “Breaking Through: A Journey to Becoming the First Female NFL Official.” Her talk is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 23, and can…

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NFL Ref Sarah Thomas Gives Talk thru NMU’s Platform Personalities March 23, 2021

NFL Ref Sarah Thomas Gives Talk thru NMU’s Platform Personalities March 23, 2021

After making history last month as the first woman to officiate a Super Bowl, Sarah Thomas will give a virtual presentation through Northern Michigan University’s Platform Personalities titled “Breaking Through: A Journey to Becoming the First Female NFL Official.” Her talk is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 23, and can…

The post NFL Ref Sarah Thomas Gives Talk thru NMU’s Platform Personalities March 23, 2021 first appeared on

Super Bowl: Why Do You Watch?

NFL Superbowl

This year’s Super Bowl is February 2, between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks. The 48th Super Bowl marks a longstanding tradition of competition between the teams in the NFL. It also marks the best and brightest for commercial advertisers. In thinking about the excitement leading up to the big game I have been […]