Super One Foods Grilled for Special Olympics at their Memorial Day Surf & Turf Sale!

Marquette, MI  –   May 27, 2016 – Follow the radio guys to Super One Foods for the Memorial Day Surf & Turf Sale! Bill and Todd announced three pages of sales on fresh shrimp, steak, and sides at Super One Foods in Marquette today.

Outside, the masters at Super One Foods fired up a grill and served up a delicious lunch. The lunch benefited the Special Olympics. What a great cause!

Customers lined up for their meals outside the store and then flooded inside to save big on their Memorial Day feast. Super One foods had three pages of sales running today on everything you need for the big holiday.

Major Discount and Bill Tibor brought you updates and stories from the event LIVE on WRUP. The sale runs until 4pm today! Make sure to stop in and take advantage of the great deals.

Check out the audio from our LIVE broadcasts at Super One Foods Today:

Major Discount welcomes you to the Memorial Day Surf and Turf Sale at Super One Foods
It was all for a good cause at Super One
Customers talk about the great deals they found
Ed chatted about Super One’s specials with Major Discount
Special Olympics athletes visit with the Major
Major Discount thanks you for supporting the Special Olympics

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