Drive A New Tractor or Lawn Mower with Major Discount at Super One Foods!

Make sure you make it tomorrow to talk to the people from Altoz/Four Seasons and Wards!

Marquette, MI  –  May 20, 2016  –  Follow the radio guys! Today, we packed the parking lot of Super One Foods in Marquette with tractors, lawn mowers, and sheds that you could try out for yourself! Major Discount and Adam Carpenter broadcasted LIVE from the event so they could chat with the customers and vendors, and grab some food fresh off of the grill at the sale.

Ward’s Outdoor Equipment and Repair and Four Seasons Small Engines brought the best equipment in the  U.P. to one spot for a huge Try It Before You Buy It Parking Lot Sale! We had experts on hand to answer your questions about the machines.

Meanwhile, Super One Foods grilled up some hot dogs and cheeseburgers. The great lunch helped support Marquette Little League.

Andy was doing a great job explaining the features of this Altoz Mower
Andy was doing a great job explaining the features of this Altoz Mower

We’ll have the tractors here at Super One until 4:00 tomorrow. Come on by and chat with our experts on hand, try out a tractor or lawn mower, and get great deals on all the machines.

Major Discount welcomes you to the Parking Lot Sale at Super One Foods in Marquette
Ward’s came up from Dollar Bay, MI
It was a gorgeous day for a sale
Come on out and take a test drive
Paula from Four Seasons in Escanaba talks with the Major
You could see zero-turn mowers at Super One
Kioti tractors are cool
It was all for a good cause
Get lunch and support little league baseball
Adam Carpenter live from the Parking Lot Sale at Super One
Wards Power Equipment and Repair made a special trip just for you
Adam enjoyed all the awesome food
What’s the Parking Lot Sale all about
Wards and Four Seasons were at Super One Foods
Paula Talks with Adam
Adam had tons of fun at the Parking Lot Sale
The weather was perfect to try a new tractor
Jerry talks with Cole from Ward’s
Adam grilling out with Super One Foods in Marquette
Jerry and Paula talk about Four Seasons
Great deals were cooking at Super One Foods
Jerry speaks with Ward’s Power Equipment and Repair
Thanks for coming out to the Parking Lot Sale at Super One Foods in Marquette

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