NMU Choirs Concert 3pm Sunday November 14, 2021

NMU Choirs Concert 3pm Sunday November 14, 2021

The Northern Michigan University Arts Chorale and University Choir will present an NMU Choirs Concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 14, at St. Peter Cathedral.

The University Choir will perform such pieces as “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord,” “Set Me as a Seal” and “Lamentations of Jeremiah.” The Arts Chorale will perform “Ave Maris Stella,” “Chichester Mass,” “When David Heard,” “Sing Unto the Lord a New Song” and more.

Director of Choirs Erin Colwitz said that the performance theme is “Music for a Grand Space.”

“This program is all sacred music due to the nature of it being in a church,” said Colwitz. “I chose music that would fit that acoustic as well. Audiences can look forward to big, rich sounds and lots of reverb. The performance space itself is just gorgeous. It is very European in style. The acoustics are luxurious for choirs. We hope folks will come and support the NMU Choirs in this amazing space.”

Admission is free and live streaming will be available here.

The post NMU Choirs Concert 3pm Sunday November 14, 2021 first appeared on Broadcast-everywhere.net.

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