Gwinn Area Community Schools Board of Education to meet August 4, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Education, Gwinn Area Community Schools, will be held on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 in the Gwinn Middle/High School Cafeteria.

Meeting called to order: 6:30 P.M.

      1. Call to Order

      2. Pledge of Allegiance

      3. Approval of Minutes

      4. Approval of Agenda

      5. Public Comment

      6. Financial Report

    1. Approval of Monthly Check Register

    2. Financial Report

      1. Information

                1. Strategic Plan Update

                2. Sinking Fund Update

                3. Return to Learning Plan

                4. Department Updates

      2. Superintendent’s Report

  1. Board Report

  2. Correspondence

  1. New Business – Action

    1. Return to Learning Plan

    2. Board Appointments

    3. Approve Bakery & Dairy Bids

    4. Approve Propane Bids

    5. Approve list of GACS Classes offered for Credit/State Aid

        1. Elementary

        2. Middle School

        3. High School (including all online courses)

    1. Increase Breakfast & Lunch prices at GMS/GHS

    2. Personnel

      1. Employment

        1. Katherine Wilkinson – Special Education teacher, Gilbert Elementary School/Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 contract year

            1. Closed Session

              1. Superintendent Contract

            1. Superintendent Contract

  1. Public Comment

  2. Board Member Comments

  3. Adjourn

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