Marquette, MI – August 5, 2017 – Fox Sports Marquette’s Ryan Ranguette was out at the 42nd Annual Upper Peninsula Gem & Mineral Show this morning. Hosted at the Ishpeming Elks Club, the Ishpeming Rock & Mineral Club brought out a variety of dealers and artists to set up a gorgeous display to be enjoyed throughout the day.
This annual show is a family event with free admission for all ages. Featuring a kids’ area, silent auction, gems, minerals, fossils, and jewelry, this year’s event had much to offer.
The club had demonstrations are running all day while door prizes were given out hourly. Collectors were able to troll the tables checking out vendors who came from as far as Kentucky for the show! European Jade jewelry, wind chimes, bookends, agate slabs, and mining stock certificates were among some of the items on tables today.
While the show has ended, you can still enjoy the evening activities at the Ishpeming Elks Club tonight. Crackerbarrel will start at 7pm giving attendees the chance to exchange ideas, ask questions, and meet fellow rockhounds. The night will including refreshments at a raffle prize drawing at 9 pm.
For more information on this annual event contact Ernie Johnson, (906) 228-9422 or visit the event on Facebook or see the Ishpeming Rock & Mineral Club’s website.
Sunny’s Walt Lindala had Co-chair Ernest Johnson on the Sunny Morning Show earlier this week to talk about today’s event.
Listen to Walt Lindala and Ernest Johnson discuss the 42nd Annual U.P. Gem & Mineral show.
Listen to live reports from the Gem and Mineral Show:
Listen to Ryan Ranguette saying hi, live from the Gem and Mineral Show.
Hear what Cat, a visitor had to say about the show.
Eric, who had his own stand at the show, talked about what the Gem and Mineral show meant to him.
Ryan interviewed the event organizer, Ernie Johnson.