UPCM presents Paint The Downtown With Love June 25-26, 2021

UPCM presents Paint The Downtown With Love June 25-26, 2021
The Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum invites you to Paint the Downtown with Love.  Join us downtown Marquette for a chalk art fundraising festival during Art Week June 25-26, noon until 3:00 p.m.  It’s free to paint!  We are inviting friends, families, young, old, singles, everyone in the community to help Paint The Downtown With Love!  Pre-register online at www. upchildrensmuseum.org or sign up during the event.  The museum will provide all supplies and assign each artist/team a sidewalk.  Paint and supplies can be picked up June 25-26 from noon -3:00 p.m.  Let’s Paint the Downtown with Love!!!   Thank you to Vango’s, Marquette Food Co-op, Tailored CPA’s P.C., and Marquette Automotive for sponsoring the event.

The post UPCM presents Paint The Downtown With Love June 25-26, 2021 first appeared on Broadcast-everywhere.net.

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