Tahquamenon Falls State Park Upper Falls guided snowshoe hike: Feb. 27, 2021

Tahquamenon Falls State Park Upper Falls guided snowshoe hike: Feb. 27, 2021

Tahquamenon Falls State Park Upper Falls guided snowshoe hike: Feb. 6, 13, 20 and 27

Strap on your snowshoes (or borrow a pair of ours) and join the park naturalist for a free guided hike through the forest of the Upper Falls. Hike lasts approximately one hour and includes blazing a trail through unpacked trails, and going up and down hills. The hike is suitable for ages 9 and up. Masks must be worn during hike. Registration is required, and participation will be limited to 20. Register for a Tahquamenon Falls snowshoe hike online.

The post Tahquamenon Falls State Park Upper Falls guided snowshoe hike: Feb. 27, 2021 first appeared on Broadcast-everywhere.net.

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