Al Gray of Marquette Wins the Ignite Your Senses Giveaway Grand Prize!

Marquette, MI – September 29, 2022 – Tonight mediaBrew Communications and RentAll Marquette hosted the Ignite Your Senses Giveaway party!  The party was held at River Rock Lanes in Ishpheming.





The party welcomed over two hundred people to enjoy door prizes, a meal from Mama Russo’s, and fun music in anticipation of the grand prize of the night.  Our very own Adam and Walt emceed the event, randomly drawing ticket numbers of those lucky winners of the door prizes.

RentAll, our sponsor for this quarter, Marquette introduced the grand prize, a brand new Samsung TV and Ashley Shay 75″ TV Stand with a built in fireplace and speakers! Everyone was waiting to see who the lucky grand prize winner would be.




Al Gray of Marquette was the lucky grand prize winner!  There were also very generous significant prizes given out as well! A gift certificate from Up North Lodge was won by Jean Morrison from Marquette! 195 gallons of gas from Kountry Korner Shell & Crossroads Mini-mart Shell was won by Alex Herman of Negaunee, Kim Shuman of Negaunee won a Tadych’s Marketplace $50 gift card. We had two Shell gift cards sponsored by Kountry Korner that were given out to Cindy Walin and Maggie Boburka from Ishpeming and Marquette respectively!  Congrats to all the winners!




Thank you to our sponsors of the Ignite Your Senses Giveaway: RentAll Marquette, Tadych’s Marketplace, River Rock Lanes, Kountry Korner Shell, Crossroads Mini-Mart Shell. And a big thank you to you all for your continued support.

Be sure to keep an eye out soon for our next big quarterly giveaway!


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